Featured Poem -- Velcro Dog
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Velcro Dog
With great literary flourish
the ads for rescue dogs
help abandoned, lonely pets
find a human forever home
as if any of us lasts forever
Redford, a mixed something
or other, becomes a big handsome boy
who is the perfect mate for Sasha,
an elegant lady with a gentle personality
Clarence, the velcro dog,
will stick to your side
and Rusty, the stray, could
become your forever friend
and follow you anywhere
Human eligibles on computer dating sites
could learn a lot from the dog ads
where a chunky girl with a soft coat
is transformed into a snuggle companion
who isn’t very demanding
And an aging male becomes
the pick of the pack who is over
his puppy stuff and ready to
crawl under the covers
on days he is up for it
Note: We’ve rescued several dogs and I regularly read the ads from the animal rescue groups. Every descriptive phrase in this poem came from an actual dog ad.

These poems have been published in a variety
of poetry journals and they are taken from my
poetry book "Converging Waters" available on Amazon.
To hear other poems click on the buttons.
of poetry journals and they are taken from my
poetry book "Converging Waters" available on Amazon.
To hear other poems click on the buttons.
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